Keynote speaker at ONA.
Storified by Bo Hee Kim · Wed, Oct 26 2011 23:27:21
I came for the chezburgers, stayed for @benhuh keynote #ONA11 @ONAconf
Ben Huh, founder and CEO of Cheezburger, spoke at the Friday Night Networking Keynote.
We can divide the tweets into 4 categories: fun tidbits about Huh, random lolfacts, advice he has for journalism/content and the tweets where journalists tried their hand at lolspeak.
Since Huh is all about user-generated content (and happiness apparently), we decided to use our photos and your tweets to cover the event.
Let's start off with weird facts about Ben Huh, master of "teh internetz."
Before he gets ready for his keynote address at #ONA11, @benhuh shows that he's part of the #MedillNetwork
At #ONA11, @benhuh says he was rated the 10th-worst-dressed person in Silicon Valley. Which, I imagine, is saying a lot.
.@benhuh: When banks started failing, Google searches for "fail" went through the roof. De facto def was Failblog. #ona11
Why Fail Blog, Cheezburger? @benhuh says the goal is to "make the world happy for 5 minutes a day." #love #ONA11
.@benhuh's websites get 20M visitors each month. (That's WILD!) Also in 1st VC raise he got $30M. #cheezburger #ONA11
"Nothing you will ever do is as popular as this picture of bacon taped to a cat," says @benhuh. #ONA11
"Users create more content a day than pro media does in a year" -@benhuh of I Can Haz Cheezburger, to room full of journalists. Nice. #ona11
"We've been writing the news the same way since the Civil War." -Ben Huh (the lolcats guy) dropping truth bombs at #ONA11
"Users won't do free labor, they will do what makes them happy." @benhuh #ona11 #cheezburger