Some of you went a little over, some of you went a little under, but all we wanted were your answers. Thanks for sharing!
Storified by Bo Hee Kim · Thu, Oct 27 2011 00:50:13
Tell us in seven words: Why do you write or curate stories?
We asked you to share why you tell stories. When we first asked, not many of you replied. So we tried to make it easier; in just seven words, tell us why you do what you do.
Why seven? It's because our team is made up of seven people.
So let's get to the reasons.
I can't not write stories. (Sorry for the double negative)
It's not an option. It's an obsession. @Storify @burtherman #WhyIWriteAndCurateStories
Because stories are all we are. (to paraphrase Thomas King) RT @Storify Tell us in seven words: Why do you write or curate stories?
@Storify i just need to, always have.
@Storify Because people & storytelling are my passion
@Storify It's a soul thing. It's my life.
@Storify I write because I HAVE to.
@Storify ?Why? »Because it is there (same as Everest)«
RT @Storify Tell us in seven words: Why do you write or curate stories? | Can't help it, they just want out.
@Storify I write to inform, entertain and eat.
@katierogers, who writes for the Washington Post and spearheaded one of our favorite crowdsourced stories #MyFaveInstagram, could not have been anything but a writer.
Because I cannot imagine doing anything else. RT @storify Tell us in seven words: Why do you write or curate stories?
I write to inform the public and chronicle history.
@Storify To help people understand the issues better.
People really need to know these things... RT @storify Tell us in seven words: Why do you write or curate stories?