You're no longer limited to the one week search. Happy Storifying!
Storified by Bo Hee Kim · Thu, Oct 27 2011 00:45:42
Topsy, the Twitter search engine so good that Twitter recommends it to journalists.
Every week we see users struggling with the Twitter search. They'd like to search back farther than a week. "It's not our fault," we usually say. "It's the Twitter search."
Anyone who has tried to search for older tweets knows it's not only difficult, but a huge time-suck as well. Paul Boutin, a regular contributer to's Gadgetwise, blogged about it(linked below) and talked about Topsy, a great solution.
For those who don't know, Topsy is a search engine that can find tweets as far back as 2008.
So why blog about it now? Because with the Chrome Extension or Bookmarklet, you can now bring the tweets you find in Topsy easily into your Storify stories.
Don't know how to use those tools? Check out our screencast, linked below.